Friday, August 05, 2005

How you could lose weight

Whether you are 10 pounds or 100 pounds overweight, you've probably tried taking off excess weight by dieting. That is how most people try to lose weight.

Dieters go after bulging stomachs and flabby arms instead of the insecurities or the frustrations that causes them to eat too much.

Your body is the product of your life and you need a life change, not just a body change. Nothing else will work for a permanent change. You've got a choice.

If you want to stay fit, healthy and look good, be active in order to burn the excess calories and fat that you take in.

Obesity can come about either because of unhealthy eating habits, or a sedentary lifestyle or a combination of both.

Stop kidding and take responsibility for your body and your life. If you remain fat you will have physical limitations and problems of health.

Find a compelling reason whether it is to physically look good, or run a marathon race, or reduce the risk of a heart attack and stay in your best shape.

That would be the best body you deserve to live your best life.

A useful link:

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