Thursday, August 18, 2005

What is life?

The Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard said that life can only be understood backwards, but must live forward. This means several things, including to:

1-Treasure the good memories of past years while living out your life in the present.
2-Not allow the painful memories of the past to adversely influence your ability to handle the demands of today.
3-Resist the temptation to "correct" or "undo" whats done or undone in the past.
4-March courageously forward to do whatever you have to do to make your life and those important to you, meaningful and exciting.

In short, to live your life forward is to face your past without regret, to meet the present with confidence, and to prepare for the future without fear.

"To Dare is to lose one's foot momentalrily,
To not Dare is to lose oneself."
-Soren Kierkegaard.

1 comment:

mhilmyh said...

taylor and kevin
Thanks. I'm happy you find some use here.

Best regards