Monday, November 21, 2005

We've Come A Full Circle

The years before industrialization saw tensions between employers and employees explode into conflicts, street battles and work stoppages. Subsequently legal protection, minimum wages, unionised work ethics and collective bargaining guidelines were introduced.

All these concepts are changing now. Up till a few deades ago, large -scale production drove the economy forward. Now technology is the driving force. Innovation is the buzzword, not just done once but continuosly.

In order to allow the internet and e-commerce to realize the maximum potential and profits, companies are given unlimited and unrestrained freedom to hire, engage and promote workers. Read the article about Indian Call Centres which has been compared to ancient Roman Slave Ships, in order understand this emerging trend.
Pricing of commodities and services has gone deyond "supply and demand" to suit the tastes of a consumer who requires instant gratification.

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