Sunday, April 09, 2006

From Paulo Ceolho's Alchemist

During the course of the Shepard boy's journey in search of treasure, he learnt that Alchemy is a serious discipline. Every step has to be followed exactly as it was followed by the Masters.

The boy learned that part of the Master Work was called the Elixir of Life. It is a drink that has cured illnesses and given eternal life to the drinker. The other is called the Philosophers stone. Alchemists spend years observing the fire that purified the metals. In the process they discovered that purification of the metals had led to purification of themselves.

The boy became fascinated with what Alchemy could do.


Muhammadh said...

The Alchemist is one of my favourite books. : )

mhilmyh said...

It's a fascinating story by Paulo Coelho who is supremely gifted and is able to cut across different cultural dimensions with finnese.